Mar 9 2018

In a world of gluttonous consumption, Lent is an invitation to both fast for 40 days and to remodel our lifestyle in a spirit of simplicity. Christianity calls us to simplicity by reminding us that stuff and money are not what’s most important. What is most important is that everyone can have life, and have it more abundantly (John 10: 10). Ultimately, that is the principle we should build our lives and our industries around.

When someone with a lot of stuff and a lot of money asked Jesus how to gain eternal life, this was Jesus’ reply: “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Matthew 19: 21). This man walked away from Jesus sad because he loved his stuff and his money more than he loved life.

Today, let us quiet our hearts and contemplate Jesus’ invitation. To aid in your prayer, please consider watching this video.