What is extractivism?
Extractivism is a short-sighted model of development seen around the world that exploits natural resources on a massive scale, creating significant economic profits for the powerful few in the short term, but too often resulting in minimal benefits for the communities where these resources are found. Instead, extractivism and extractive industries contribute to serious social and environmental consequences, including the displacement of people from their homes and lands, human rights abuses against workers and local communities, air and water contamination, and deforestation and biodiversity loss.
Communities of faith in the United States and abroad witness and support communities devastated by extractive industries. Our faith calls us to respect and defend all God’s creation, and to stand in solidarity with communities and workers who face possible displacement, loss of livelihoods, and threats to their safety.
To learn more about extractive industries, and how our faith calls us to respond to them, read this backgrounder created by the Inter-religious Working Group on Extractive Industries.